Alert: FLU and Covid vaccinations - updated clinic information

If you still want a flu vaccination with us just ask reception next time you're in the Practice and we'll try and fit you in there and then (might have a few minutes wait, but we'll be as quick as we can)

Please be aware that our reception desk will be closed for staff training on Wednesday 12th February between 13:00 and 16:30.

NHS screening services: NHS Screening is a way of finding out if people have a higher chance of having a health problem click this link to find out more

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Marton Medical Practice

Tel: 01253 204690
Tel: 01253 204690

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You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record and more.

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Quote / Testimonial:
Welcome to Marton Medical Practice
The doctors and staff at Marton Medical Practice in Blackpool aim to offer the highest standard of patient-centered healthcare using a mix of face2face, telephone and video appointments for the convenience of all our patients.

Our Receptionist Team are all trained Care Navigators and are a limited resource at the Practice and they continue to be extremely busy. With this in mind to help US and YOU, we hope the following information is useful:-

Doctor and some nurse appointments can be booked online, in person or by telephone. We ask you to book online where possible to free up our extremely busy phone lines. Please be sure to book an appropriate slot, especially with our nursing team, they are all clearly labelled as our nurses don’t all offer the same type of care.

Please order your Repeat Prescriptions online where possible as this will also free up our phone lines.

How our clinical team are consulting
We offer a mix of face2face or telephone appointments with our doctors and Advanced Clinical Practitioners. Most are available to book online. If your preference isn’t available online just phone us and let the Receptionist know your preference when booking.

When our practice reaches full capacity for the day, it is crucial to prioritise patient safety and well-being as well as that of all members of the Practice Team.

We follow BMA safe working guidance by Triage and Signposting with a robust system to assess the urgency of each case. Non-urgent cases may be redirected to other services such as community pharmacies, Enhanced access services (outside normal surgery hours), NHS 111, Respiratory Hubs or walk-in centres.

If your concern is urgent and you can’t wait for the next free appointment our reception team will follow protocol and either add you to our triage list if appropriate or direct you to the most appropriate alternate service. Our doctors manage the triage list themselves and do ask reception to contact you with their directions. If the doctor feels it would be beneficial to see you in person, they will arrange this with you, and it will usually be the same day. You should be available to take their telephone call.

Our Practice nurses are carrying out Long Term Condition Management at face2face appointments however, as some of our patients prefer telephone consultation, where it’s appropriate, these will still be available

We are a Personal Medical Services Practice.

Local and NHS services

The surgery works in partnership with local and NHS service providers and groups.

111 is the NHS non-emergency number. It’s fast, easy and free. Call 111 and speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals. They will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and immediately direct you to the best medical care for you.

NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.

In case of a life-threatening emergency, please dial 999.

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The future of General Practice is at stake – see the Important Updates

General practice is in crisis. GPs are faced with increasingly unsafe workloads coupled with a rapidly diminishing and exhausted workforce. Structural underinvestment in General Practice and an ever reducing share of the total NHS spend, coupled with hospital workload transfer and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, have generated a vast backlog of care. This is creating further pressure on a system that is already at breaking point.

The contractual changes imposed by NHS England over the past three years have done nothing to recognise and address these pressures. Instead, there has been a repeated failure to recognise and act to support the needs of patients, practices, GPs and the wider staff team. The present crisis is so severe that General Practitioner Committee England strongly recommends practices take urgent action to preserve their ability to deliver safe, high quality patient care and to protect the wellbeing of their practice teams.

GPC England encourages all Local Medical Committees to promote and support practices in their implementation of the BMA Safe Working Guidance.

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