Patient Surveys

2020 survey

Our question was: How to offer flu vaccinations during a global pandemic keeping staff and patients safe?

On 11th June 2020 we sent a text message survey to 2063 patients in the ‘at risk’ for influenza group. with the question:

Annual Flu Vaccination Clinics Survey: We are considering offering some drive through clinics this flu season & would like to know if this would be of interest to you? We aren’t taking bookings yet so please don’t call us! However your opinion really matters in how we plan this year, please let us know if this appeals to you by texting back simply YES or NO

  • We received 702 responses 34% of the total messages sent.
  • 538 responses were in favour of a drive through flu vaccination clinic 76.6% in favour of those who responded.

A 76.6% in favour response rate to our survey gave us the mandate to look seriously at offering a drive through flu clinic for the 2020 season.

Your responses to our survey asked: Can we have a drive through Flu vac clinic

We did: After lots of questions, discussions and detailed planning it was decided that we could offer a drive through flu clinic. This happened at the same time as our Covid safe indoor clinic on 19th September. Please do read the brief report on the day. There are pictures!