Thornton Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Thornton Practice Patient Participation Group was formed in June 2015 when the GP contract required each Practice to have a patient group. The purpose of the group was to be the voice of the patient, not a laminated notice, but an actively involved group who would ensure that patient concerns, compliments and suggestions were fed back to the GPs and Practice Manager. With these aims in mind the PPG was born.
The effectiveness of the group has been seen mainly in the surgery but also in the whole community as we engaged with schools, the supermarkets, Dementia Friends and took part in resus and Atrial Fibrillation training which then has been used to benefit patients during appt times. The voluntary contribution that everyone has put in has been amazing. They were present at the first flu clinic and have been ever present right through the COVID vaccination roll out. They have been described by the Practice as ‘Our Dream Team!’ and the special relationship with Practice Manager Amy Sissions, the GPs and admin staff has been the key to our success.
The PPG are seen regularly within surgery, talking to patients highlighting screening, health initiatives and latest news. They have been recognised nationally as being the best in the UK for their innovation, engagement and effectiveness. There are permanent reminders of the group’s work in and outside the Practice as you will see. The beautiful art work and school projects, the wheelchair access picnic bench funded by the PPG placed in the adjacent park for the whole community alongside a Jubilee Rowan tree.
As a Practice we couldn’t be prouder to have such patient champions!
Would you like to be part of the Team? All you need is to be able to commit a couple of hours when needed and be a patient of Thornton Practice. You must also remember we are not a personal complaint forum.
Ring the Practice after lunch when less busy and leave your details and someone will be in touch or drop you details at the desk and you will be contacted.