Patient Participation Group

The Kirkham Health Centre PPG is a forum for patients to communicate with the practice and offers patients the opportunity to put forward their views and suggestions. 

It meets regularly to decide ways of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the surgery to its patients. We want more patients to get involved and help improve the delivery of health services, as well as make a difference to their local community.

The PPG is made up of volunteers interested in healthcare issues and can include members of practice staff. The virtual PPG also exists for individuals who are unable to attend regular meetings but keen to be involved in a patient group to have their say on healthcare services.

About Our PPG

Our main aim is to promote the wellbeing of our patients and provide high-quality care and service at all times. To do this, it is essential that we listen to you and do all we can to meet your needs.

That is why we have created a patient participation group, which is open to everyone registered with us. It is your opportunity to influence and achieve real change through working with others to ensure what we provide is what you want and need.

The group:

  • Ensures the needs and interests of all patient groups are considered, including those with specific conditions, those with a disability, ethnic minorities and migrant workers
  • Ensures real, open communication between patients and the practice
  • Discusses patients’ needs during the development of practice systems
  • Supports the practice to achieve its health promotion targets
  • Reviews and, where appropriate, provides advice and recommendations on the practice patient surveys

Becoming involved delivers practical improvements

Patient participation groups, working with GP practice staff and patients, help to improve the patient experience for all.

– Improvements to patient waiting areas
– Provision of up-to-date information on display and notice boards
– Better communication between reception staff and patients
– Improved access through the installation of a new telephone system
– Longer opening hours
– Online appointment booking
– Online prescription ordering service
– Appointment reminders to reduce the number of non-attendances
– Improved access and facilities for patients with a disability
– Improved patient privacy at reception

These are just some examples of the work of practices and PPGs from across our member practices. To find out more, ask at the surgery for further details.

Join Our PPG

For the Patient Participation Group to be effective it needs to have a membership that allows it to reach the broadest cross section of the patient population and we will be communicating its formation within the patient population through various means.

If you are interested in joining the Patient Participation Group, please email

PPG Survey Results & Newsletter

2018 Survey Results

During the week beginning 3 September 2018, the PPG carried out a survey of KHC patients. This was done by PPG volunteers attending the surgery on all five mornings and three afternoons of that week and handing out questionnaires to those patients with appointments to see either a GP or a nurse.

Other ways to get involved

The NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board – of which our practice is a member – Public and Patient Engagement Group meets regularly and includes representation from disadvantaged groups, the faith and voluntary sector, disability representatives and older people.

Visit LSC Integrated Care Board :: Public Involvement and Engagement Advisory Committee ( for further information.
One of the simplest ways to keep informed and hear about opportunities to get involved with NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board and work in partnership across health and care is by joining the Citizens Panel.

Visit LSC Integrated Care Board :: Join our virtual Citizens Panel ( for further information.