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Manchester Road East Medical Practice

Welcome to our new surgery website – we hope you find it useful

Non-urgent advice: Out of Hours and Emergencies

NHS 111 is the NHS non-emergency service. It’s fast, easy and free to speak with a trained advisor, supported by a team of healthcare professionals. You will be asked a series of questions to assess your symptoms and direct you to the right care in the right place.

Call 111 free from landlines and mobiles – available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

In a life-threatening emergency, always call 999.

Care Navigation

When you call us, our reception team may ask you about your concerns in order to ask additional questions and ensure you get the right care in the right place. If you’d rather keep it personal, just tell us – we won’t hold it against you.

Depending on your concerns, our team will suggest either a face-to-face assessment or a telephone/video call. You may be directed to an alternative service, such as a pharmacy, walk-in centre, out-of-hours service or hospital. Our team may also book you in with one of our extended access GPs based at the surgery.

If you need to be examined, our team will recommend a face-to-face appointment. This allows our clinicians to fully assess you and better understand your current problem. However, many things can now be dealt with over the phone, and many patients like the convenience of this.

When you use the right NHS service, you get the right treatment sooner.

Online Services

You can use the free NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record and more.

Get Started

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Received a 2024 GP Patient Survey in the post?

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