We are currently open for online registrations for new patients who have moved into our Practice area and Students who are living in our listed Student Accommodation.
Please try the following week if our registrations have concluded for a particular week. If you can not get registered then you can contact NHS Lothian by email on loth.primarycareenquiries@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk to assist you with this.
New Patient Section
If we have any queries on your registration details the we will contact you direct within the next month. It takes up to 5 days for your registration to be processed. If you do not hear from us then your registration will have been successful. Please do not call or email us to check this.
These are not required in Scotland so you will not automatically be issued with one of these. If you do need this then there will be a delay in provision of this at this busy time.
If you need this for insurance purposes then we can provide you with a letter but this is private and not NHS work so a charge will be made for this. This is not a priority for us to provide this and so there may be a delay of up to 40 days or longer before we can provide this.
There are many medical problems which you do not need to see a doctor about, which can be dealt with quickly. Please see our attached signposting poster for help you can access before considering if you need a doctor.
If you need to make an appointment with us to see a healthcare professional, please telephone our reception on 0131 650 2777. Although we cannot respond to clinical queries by email due to patient confidentiality reasons, if you have a general query you can send this via eConsult which you will find on the website.
Please ask reception staff for details of how to book an appointment online to speed up this process in future.
We are registering new patients who live within our practice area via our Campus Dr electronic registration process link. We will be open for applications to register from Tuesday at 10am each week.
We only accept applications electronically at present. Once we have reached our maximum number of registrations the system will not take any more. Please do try again another day.
Queries by email or by phone will not be dealt with so please do not call or email us as you are preventing patients requiring clinical attention from getting this promptly by blocking our phone/email forums. You can try to register with another practice as we are unable to register all students. See NHS Inform website for options of practices covering your address. If you continue to be unable to register please email NHS Lothian at loth.primarycareenquiries@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
To start your registration, please click here.
We are continuously monitoring our list size so please try a few days later or:
Please check via NHS Inform re-alternative Practices covering your address who may be able to register you at present.
1. Only come to the Health Centre if you have been asked to by one of our staff.
2. Attend alone.
3. Wash your hands or use hand gel before arriving at the Health Centre.
4. Arrive at 3rd floor reception no earlier than you appointment time.
5. Follow latest government guidelines in relation to social distancing.
1. Only come to the Health Centre if you have been asked to by one of our staff.
2. Attend alone.
3. Wash your hands or use hand gel before arriving at the Health Centre.
4. Arrive at 3rd floor reception no earlier than you appointment time.
5. Follow latest government guidelines in relation to social distancing.
Medical Treatment
You should register with a Doctor soon after your arrival in case you need medical advice/treatment whilst you are here. If you do not register you may have difficulty accessing NHS care when you do need it.
To register go to HOW TO REGISTER WITH US page. You must live within the practice area covered by the practice and, for your first face to face appointment in the surgery, you will be required to bring your matriculation card, proof of ID eg. passport and proof of your address in Edinburgh, digital proof e.g. on your phone WILL NOT be accepted, original paper document is required. If you are from Europe please bring your EHIC card with you. Dependants will be assessed and will need to provide proof of being a dependant by showing their visa/passport.
If you are already registered with a doctor in the UK then your new practice will be unable to get your previous NHS record unless you provide them with the name and full address of the GP practice. If you have a current medical card bring that with you. Your registration can not be completed until you provide these details.
University Health Service
The University Health Service is a GP practice based on the University campus and provides comprehensive medical care for those who choose to register as patients of the practice and who live within the practice’s designated area. The practice is based in the Richard Verney Health Centre, 6 Bristo Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9AL.
If you are from overseas then we will not have access to your previous medical history and so if you have an ongoing medical condition you should bring details of that condition with you. If you are on prescribed medication then not all drugs are available in the UK and some are only prescribed at hospital level. It can take up to 3 months or even much longer to see a hospital specialist via the NHS so you are advised to bring at least 3 months supply of medication with you to ensure that you have a constant supply and do not run out.
Looking to Register? – see HOW TO REGISTER WITH US PAGE
QUESTIONS you may have.
Our Practice Booklet can be found here