These are drugs such as:
- Buprenorphine
- Fentanyl
- Morphine sulphate
- Tramadol
- Temazepam
- Zomorph
These can only be issued for a maximum of one month supply at a time and cannot currently be sent electronically.
This means that you, an authorised family member or your pharmacist need to collect and sign for the prescription at the surgery.
This can potentially result in a delay between the medication being requested and the medication being available to pick up at the pharmacy.
Specialist Drugs
These are drugs that you are being prescribed by the specialist. We have added them to your repeat list so that the list shows all the drugs you are receiving regularly – this is for safety to make sure everyone is aware that you are taking a drug not being prescribed by the practice.
We will not prescribe these drugs even though they appear on your repeat list.
We may indicate this by the comment under the drug name ‘prescribed by hospital – do not dispense’ or ‘hospital only’ or by a quantity which does not exist e.g. 0.1 tablet.
You should continue to request this medication from your specialist unless advised otherwise after an appointment at HGH.