The PPG are a group of patients who meet a few times a year to discuss, review and support the Surgery.
They try hard to be a representative of the whole patient population including carers, but are under-represented in many areas.
They are looking for new members to give them the benefit of their views and experience.
PPG Ground Rules
The ground rules outlined below were agreed for our conduct as a group. They may be amended in due course by agreement.
– The meeting is not a forum for individual complaints and single issues.
– We advocate open and honest communication and challenge between individuals.
– We will be flexible, listen, ask for help and support each other.
– We will demonstrate a commitment to delivering results, as a group.
– Silence indicates agreement – speak up, but always go through the chair.
– All views are valid and will be listened to.
– No phones or other disruptions.
– We will start and finish on time and stick to the agenda.
PPG Terms of Reference
The terms of reference outlined below are drawn from a National guideline for Patients’ Groups and were unanimously agreed for adoption by Rosmellyn Surgery Patients’ Forum. The Forum will:
– contribute to practice decision-making and will contribute to discussion about service development and provision;
communicate change to the wider community;
– provide feedback on patients’ needs, concerns and interests and challenge the practice, constructively, whenever necessary;
serve as a ‘safety valve’ for dealing with generalised grumbles and complaints about the practice;
– represent patients views, whilst also helping them to understand the practice’s viewpoint;
– assist the practice and its patients by arranging or assisting voluntary groups and support within the community;
– communicate information about the community which may affect healthcare;
– develop a method of communicating with the wider patient list to enable the group to air their views;
– give patients a voice in the organisation of their care;
– promote good health and higher levels of health literacy by encouraging and supporting activities within the practice and promoting preventive medicine;
– influence the provision of secondary healthcare and social care locally;
– monitor services, eg hospital discharge and support when back in the community;
– give feedback to NHS trusts on consultations;
– fundraise for medical equipment or other facilities to improve the practice and/or fund the activities of the PPG;
– liaise with other PPGs in the area.
This list is neither exclusive nor mandatory and may be amended at any time subject to the agreement of a majority of the group.
Join Our PPG
The PPG normally meet at lunchtime at the Practice. If you feel you might be interested in joining the PPG but find coming to meetings difficult, they’d be delighted to welcome you as an “e-member” and keep in touch via the internet/teams etc.
If you would like to get in contact with the group their email address is:
The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Sign Up Form to provide your consent for this.
PPG Minutes, Reports & Surveys