What is a PPG? A patient participation group (PPG) is made up of volunteers from patients registered at a GP practice. PPGs meet regularly and work in partnership with the practice staff and doctors to ensure the practice delivers high quality and responsive care.
What does being a member involve? – Ruddington Medical Centre PPG meets approximately every six weeks, usually in the early evening at the surgery. Being part of those meetings will give you the chance to come and give your views on the surgery, give you the chance the help to shape the patient experience, give you a say on what you want from your surgery. Also find ways in which the PG can assist the practice with events such as annual flu clinics and awareness campaigns.
Why are we seeking new members? – The PPG should reflect the patient population. All communities, groups, genders, ages, ethnicities, and disabilities representing the patient list are encouraged to join. There are no other membership requirements except that the patients must be registered with the practice. We would like more patients to be involved with our group.
Is there any other ways I can be involved if I can’t get to meetings?
Yes! Ruddington Medical Centre has a virtual PPG. Using the PPG dedicated email address, patients can keep in touch via email and the PPG can seek their views and opinions. Information such as practice newsletters minutes of the Patient Participation Group meetings and surveys will be shared with you electronically.
If you are interested or would like further information please email ppgatrmc@gmail.com
PPG Chair: Gavin Walker
If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email please click below to open the sign-up form and complete all the fields.
PPG Sign Up Form
If you prefer, you can download the sign up form as a pdf document, print it out, complete it and return it to the practice.
We will be in touch shortly after we receive your form. Please note that no medical information or questions will be responded to.
PPG Newsletters
PPG Meeting Notes