Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat Prescriptions

If you require prescriptions for regular and continuing treatment, it is not always necessary to see the doctor each time. You can order prescriptions online by using one of the platform’s below.

We kindly request you to keep in mind:

  • Give 2 full working days’ notice. Please DO NOT telephone.
  • Patients are kindly requested not to request their medication earlier than the date it is due, unless you have a special circumstance involved. This helps ensure the efficient management of prescriptions and maintains the availability of medications for all patients.
  • If you are unable to reach the GP practice and require urgent medication, please be advised that local pharmacies may be able to provide an emergency supply of your prescription. We recommend contacting your nearest pharmacy for assistance in such situations.

Order Repeat Prescriptions on Patient Access

Register at the Surgery or online here

Pharmacy opening times over the holiday

As we prepare for the Easter Bank holiday, we are sharing important information about pharmacies opening hours.

You are advised to remember to stock up on repeat prescriptions before the Easter break begins. If you do need to visit a pharmacy, a full list of their opening hours can be downloaded online.

Home Delivery of Medications

If you require home delivery for your prescription medication, please contact your local pharmacy directly. The reception team at the surgery does not handle home delivery requests. Please ensure that your pharmacy is informed of your needs.

Prescription Medication Supply

A maximum of 3 months’ supply of prescription medication can be provided. Patients travelling abroad for more than three months are advised to source their medication locally. The surgery will not be able to supply medication for any reason and has no obligation to do so.

Prescribing of Over the Counter Medicines is Changing

Your GP, nurse or pharmacist will not generally give you a prescription for over the counter medicines for a range of short-term, minor health concerns. Instead, over the counter medicines are available to buy in a pharmacy or supermarket in your local community. The team of qualified healthcare professionals at your local pharmacy can offer clinical advice to safely and effectively manage minor health concerns. 

Please Note: We do not routinely prescribe vitamins such as B12 and Vitamin D, unless there is a clear clinical indication for their use.

This includes:

Acute sore throatConjunctivitisCoughs, colds and nasal congestionCradle cap
DandruffDiarrhoea (adults)Dry eyes / sore tired eyesEarwax
Excessive sweatingHaemorrhoidsHead liceIndigestion and heartburn
Infant colicInfrequent cold sores of the lipInfrequent constipationInfrequent migraine
Insect bites and stingsMild acneMinor burns and scaldsMild cystitis
Mild dry skinMild irritant dermatitisMild to moderate hay feverMinor pain, discomfort and fever(e.g. aches and sprains, headache, period pain, back pain)
Mouth ulcersNappy rashOral thrush
Prevention of tooth decayRingworm / athlete’s footSunburnSun protection
Teething / mild toothacheThreadwormsTravel sicknessWarts and verrucae

For more information and support Visit the NHS website,

Repeat Prescriptions

This practice operates a system that allows you to obtain a prescription for regular medication without seeing a doctor/nurse. This is called a REPEAT PRESCRIPTION. This can be done by coming into the practice, online or via post.

So that the system runs smoothly you are asked to note the following points.

48 hours or 2 working days notice is required for a repeat prescription to be issued:

All requests for repeat prescriptions should be made in writing : Practice Prescription Policy

Always try to use the computer slip given to you with your last prescription (the right hand side of the prescription)

All hand written requests should include:

  • the name of the medicine
  • the dose you are taking
  • how many times a day you take it
  • your name and date of birth

If you are not sure what to write please bring the computer slip with you or your medicine container and the reception staff will be happy to help you.

Telephone requests are only accepted from the elderly, housebound, carers and health professionals.

Postal requests with a stamped addressed envelope are fine but please allow extra time for your prescription to reach you. The doctor decides what medication is available as a repeat. Please do not request items that are not on your repeat prescription list as these will not usually be given. Instead, make an appointment to see the doctor/nurse, or ask to discuss the situation with the duty doctor during their telephone consultation. If a hospital or clinic doctor has recently changed your medication please let reception staff know.

When you ask for a new supply of your medication, you may not need to request every item on your repeat list if these are not needed before the next prescription is due. These items will be available for your request if needed later.

All prescriptions are reviewed at least every 12 months. At this time you will need to make an appointment to see the doctor before any more prescriptions can be issued.

All housebound patients and the elderly can have their prescriptions delivered to their home. Please ask the reception for more information.

Prescription Charges and Exemptions

Extensive exemption and remission arrangements protect those likely to have difficulty in paying charges (NHS prescription and dental charges, optical and hospital travel costs). 

The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines. Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication.

NHS Charges

These charges apply in England only. In Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales prescriptions are free of charge.

  • Prescription (per item): £8.20
  • 12-month prepayment certificate (PPC): £104.00
  • 3-month PPC: £29.10

If you will have to pay for four or more prescription items in three months, or more than 15 items in 12 months, you may find it cheaper to buy a PPC.

There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website

Prescription of Creams and Ointments

Please note that GP’s will only prescribe creams and ointments on a NHS prescription when there is a clinical need for treatment, such as eczema and psoriasis. Please see information sheet here for more information.

Season Tickets

It is sometimes worthwhile to buy a season ticket for pre-payment of prescription charges. Form FP95 is available by simply contacting the number on the back of your prescription side slip.