Please find below access to our latest newsletter full of details with regards what is happening at the surgery.
Previous Editions
Practice Events
his page will hold details of any future events being held at the practice, as well as highlighting any previous events.
Carers Day (May 2017)
In May 2917 the PPG organised and held an information day for carers, with support from the CCG. The event had a fantastic turnout with many patients coming along and we hope they left with useful advice and information. We hosted a variety of stands by organisations such as Suffolk Family Carers.
Dementia Day (May 2016)
In 2016 we held another very successful information day for patients which focused on raising awareness for dementia. 12 organisations were in attendance helping suffers and signposting friends and family who may be caring for dementia patients.
Please consider signing up as a dementia friend which provides information on understanding dementia and how to help suffers in their daily routines.