Many things affect your health and wellbeing. GPs tell us that a lot of people visit them feeling isolated or lonely. Or they might be stressed out by work, money and housing problems. Sometimes it’s the stress of managing different long-term conditions.
That’s where social prescribing comes in. It starts with a conversation.
Support with cost of Living Crisis
To support Mid Sussex residents with the Cost of Living Crisis, Mid Sussex District Council have put together a Winter Support Guide, which contains information about Affordable Warmth, Food Support, Help with Finances and Useful Contacts. If you would like any help accessing any services please contact our Social Prescribers Amelia or Rita via the surgery.
Care Coordinators
If you are living with a medical condition and require some additional support – whatever it is – we are here to help.
The Practice is offering a signposting service for our patients, delivered by our Care Co-ordinators. The service is designed to help support patients in a practical way to help them access the many varied services, available both within the NHS and the local community.
Services we commonly help with include:
Transport links – Blue Badge, taxi vouchers, etc
Carers Support
Equipment for the home
Continence issues and many more
If you feel you would benefit from this service, or someone you care for would benefit, please ask for a telephone call with one of our Care Co-ordinators Pam or Barbara or email
Social Prescriber Link workers
Many things affect your health and wellbeing. GPs tell us that a lot of people visit them feeling isolated or lonely. Or they might be stressed out by work, money and housing problems. Sometimes it’s the stress of managing different long-term conditions.
That’s where social prescribing comes in. It starts with a conversation. It might be the
conversation you’ve just had with your doctor. Or with another person in the practice team. They will refer you to a social prescribing link worker.
The link worker is there to listen to you, and put you in touch with the people and activities that might help you to feel better. We can even accompany you for those first visits if you are feeling apprehensive.
Activities we commonly introduce people to include:
Local Age Concern
Community Cafes
Social Groups
Dementia Cafes
And many more
We can also offer help, advice and signposting for those struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.
You may be referred to this service by a health professional, or you can self-refer via reception on 01273 834388, just ask for Amelia or Debbie, or you can email us at
There are information boards on each site which get updated regularly so please take a look when you are in the surgery